Nedsatte bøger

Jais Nielsen – Epics in Clay


Jais Nielsen (1885-1961) was celebrated as one of Denmark’s greatest ceramic artists at the beginning of the 20th century.
The interest in his sublime ceramics still lives on today. Jais Nielsen’s art was rooted in the Avantgarde of Modernism and was strongly inspired by Antiquity and the Middle Ages as well as the dramatic stories of The Bible. Here a kaleidoscopic light is shed on his ceramic oeuvre.

Texts: Christina Rauh Oxbøll og Pia Wirnfeldt

Published: 2018

Language: English

Pages: 208

ISBN: 978-87-91135-49-1

Størrelse: 30,5 × 24,7 cmVægt: 1576 g

10 på lager

Vægt 1576 g
Størrelse 30,5 × 24,7 cm
Varenummer (SKU): 978-87-91135-49-1 Kategori:
  • Ingen varer i kurven.